4 potatoes
1 onion
2 carrots
Cut these up, and put them in a pot to steam, then throw some water in another pot and bring it to a boil. Put in the following:
1 quart home-made sauerkraut.
1 quart canned tomatoes
handful of dried pine-mushrooms
Season it with some taco seasoning, or curry seasoning, and garlic powder, but remember that the sauerkraut has salt in it. I threw in the juice of the canned beans as well, and a couple tablespoons of olive oil.
Once the veggies were steamed, I put them in the soup, and let it simmer for a bit, then sit for a bit so the potatoes could soak up some of the flavour, and then had with some bread, that I thought was the whitest looking brown bread I'd ever seen, until I double checked the bag, and apparently I'd gotten white bread instead of brown. The only downside was that I couldn't smell the pinemushrooms that much as the sauerkraut was pretty strong, however they still added a really nice texture!
When my mom makes sauerkraut soup she uses rice instead of other veggies, and veggie-burger instead of black beans and pine mushrooms for protein... I think I like the rice for potatoes, but I'd keep my other changes!
Now back to the game. Go Canucks Go! and I promise to get a lot of homework done after the game :-).